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Select Board Meeting Minutes 4/4/11
Monterey Select Board
Minutes of the meeting of 4/4/11

Meeting Opened at: 7:00pm
Select Board Members Present: Jonathan Sylbert, Chairperson and Wayne Burkhart
Also in attendance for parts of the meeting:  Sue Protheroe for the Monterey News, Daniel Moriarity (Finance Committee), Cynthia Weber (Council on Aging), Fran Amidon (Council on Aging), Linda Thorpe (Town Clerk), Richard Piepho and Adam Goodman

The board reviewed Director of Operations, Maynard Forbes’ weekly report for the week ending 4/2/11 which included:
1.  Checking roads.
2.  Picking up trees from Wilson House and Tyringham Rd.
3.  Cleaning out culverts from beaver activity on Fairview Rd.
4.  Patching pot holes on Main Rd & Beartown Mtn Rd.
5.  Cleaning off basins.
6.  Putting the plows and sanders back on the trucks for the storm on Friday.  Plowing, salting and sanding on Friday.
7.  Began initial planning for Main Rd project and Strap Grant.
8.  FEMA reimbursement meeting in Pittsfield with regards to the January snowstorm.
9.  Received the MIIA insurance inspection report from the Town Treasurer.
10.  Spoke with the engineers on the Route 23 project.

The board reviewed Police Chief, Gareth Backhaus’ weekly report for 3/28 – 4/3/11 which included:
1.  Responded to a call about loose dogs on Blue Hill Rd.  Owner was found and informed that the dogs needed to be tagged.
2.  Building checks on Beartown Mtn Rd. and Art School Rd
3.  Assisted with traffic at a medical call on Main Rd.
4.  Assisted New Marlborough Police with a 209A infraction
5.  Suspicious activity reported on Blue Hill Rd – police responded and investigated and found nothing
6.  Assisted with a disable MV on Main Rd.
7.  Suspicious activity reported on Blue Hill Rd – police responded and investigated and found nothing

Abandoned 911 calls:
1.  Gould Rd. – misdial

Traffic stops: 6

Miscellaneous Select Board Items Reviewed:
1.  Cynthia Weber and Fran Amidon of the Council on Aging came in to discuss the following with the Board:
a.  Cynthia stated that in reading the April Monterey News (not affiliated with the Town), the article concerning the senior funds was confusing and she wanted to clarify that it is the SBETC (Southern Berkshire Elderly Transportation Corporation) that is $50,000 in debt.  They are having a meeting later this month that Cynthia will attend.
b.  Cynthia stated that there is apparently a fund here that has a surplus of funds and it was her understanding that this money which is received by the Town from the State was just supposed to be turned over to the SBETC when received.  She stated that some of the confusion may be because the COA is not advised when the checks come in to the Town.
c.  Wayne asked if the COA felt if the funds received should only be used for transportation and Fran and Cynthia overwhelmingly felt “yes it should”.
d.  There is currently $8,175 in this fund and Cynthia and Fran are requesting to give it all to the SBETC.  Cynthia will request a bill from the SBETC for the Town to pay.
The Board reviewed the FY12 budget, annual town meeting warrant and special town meeting warrant and the following was done:
a.  They approved adding another special article as requested by Maynard which will allow the Select Board to borrow $500,000 for the purpose of paving and drainage on Main Rd, aka RT 23, to be borrowed only if approved for a STRAP GRANT from the State to be reimbursed 100% by the State.  Jon questioned who pays the interest on the loan if the money is borrowed.  M. Forbes will be asked about this.
b.  The warrant is now closed to any additional articles or citizen petitions.
c.  The informational meeting to discuss the annual and special town meeting warrants will be at 7pm on Friday, April 29th at the Monterey Firehouse.
     d.  The Board made a correction to the warrant item to amend the bylaws regarding dogs in town parks.
3.  Linda Thorpe, Town Clerk came in to go over the following with the Board:
a.  Article to change the voting day which needs to go on the annual meeting warrant: To see if the Town will vote to amend Article 1, Section 1 of the bylaws of the Town of Monterey, which now read “Annual Town Meeting shall be held on the first Saturday of May in each year, beginning in 1974” to read as follows: Annual Town Meeting shall be held on the first Saturday of May in each year beginning in 2012, followed by the Annual Town Elections to be held on the first Tuesday in May following the first Saturday in May Annual Town Meeting, or take any other action relative thereto.  This does not need to be a ballot item; it can be a voice vote.
b.  Linda also provided the documents (town meeting minutes from 5/5/01 and MGL Chapter 41 Section 4A) with regards to Section 7, #1 of the town bylaws, “To see if the Town will vote to appoint any committee or officers and them or any other officer of the Town instructions, authority or indemnity thought best, or take any other action relative thereto.”  Linda asked why this particular bylaw was being questioned.  Town Counsel has stated that it doesn’t make sense and it was requested the he provide wording to remove it from the bylaws therefore eliminating the need to have it on the annual town meeting warrant each year or to correct it.  He was not aware of what the intentions were so he sent wording to have it removed.
     c.  Linda stated that she believes that the entire telecommunications bylaw draft will need to be included in the annual town meeting warrant.  Town Counsel will be asked to advise the Board on this matter when he reviews the warrant.
d.  Warrants will be signed on Monday, April 11th and Linda believes she can have them from the printer by Friday and they should be in the mail by the 18th.
4.  At the recommendation of Donald Torrico, Building Commissioner a motion was made to appoint Nick Fredsall as the Electrical Inspector for a 2 year term.  The motion was seconded and approved.
5.  Mail was reviewed which included:
a.  An authorized signatory form for MEMA to be signed by the Select Board Chair.  Jon signed it and Chief Backhaus will submit it to MEMA tomorrow.
b.  A copy of a letter from MIIA with a report from the loss control department and their observations at their 2/16/11 inspection.  The Board questioned who was responsible to make the corrections noted in the report.
c.  Invitation to attend the Selectmen’s Association dinner on 4/28/11; the Board decided not to attend.
d.  A letter from the City of Melrose looking to partner with up to 3 other municipalities in an effort to regionalize IT services and data center operations.  The Board wasn’t interested.
6.  The minutes from 3/28/11 were approved as amended.
7.  Warrants were signed.  Warrant #40 was signed with the understanding that the Fire Department Compensation is to be paid only if there is still money in the account; otherwise nothing more is to be paid until approval is given at the special town meeting on May 7th.
8.  Inter-Departmental Secretary’s weekly report reviewed.  The Board approved M. Noe’s request for time off.
9.  The Board stated that as of today they have no intentions of appealing the ZBA’s decision on hearing #11-06.
10.  Richard Piepho came in to ask the Board if Beartown Mtn Rd is going to be paved this year.  The Board stated it was supposed to happen last year and since RT 23 is most likely going to be redone this year, Beartown Mtn Rd will most likely be pushed back another year.  He also stated that the culvert by his house has been cleaned by him for the last 15 years and since it is tipped now he is no longer going to maintain it.  The Board asked M. Noe to have M. Forbes let the Board know his plans for Beartown Mtn Rd this year.  Richard also inquired as to who he should contact regarding having trees cut that are on the road.  The Board referred him to the Tree Warden.
11.  As suggested in documents received from the Secretary of the Commonwealth, a motion was made to have Monterey remain as one precinct.  The motion was seconded and approved.  The Board also signed the “Single Precinct Authorization Form” which will be returned to the Secretary of the Commonwealth.
12.  Adam Goodman of Blue Hill Rd came in and discussed DSL on his road.  He has a contact at Verizon that is working on giving DSL to the residents there.
13.  After the digital recorder was shut off, the Select Board discussed and agreed to not add in the estimate to have central a/c installed in the town hall.

A motion was made and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at: 8:45pm

Submitted by:
Melissa Noe, Inter-Departmental Secretary via audio recording
Approved by:
Monterey Select Board

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Select Board Members
Minutes Book